
Compounding Your Efforts

We’ve have all heard of compounding, but many have never honed in on the concept. When you compound an effort you build in a particular category. Anything can compound positively or negatively.

A perfect example of compounding positively would be saving regularly. This is the first step to achieving a large savings. When you take the constant effort of saving a little bit consistently before you know it your savings is large. We all know this, but how many of us are really taking the appropriate actions here? Small efforts towards your goal of saving breaks it up into bite size pieces. I have used the concept of adding .25 daily. The first day you save .25 cents, then the next day .50 followed by .75 cents. Before you know it you have saved quite a bit. Not only have you built up the habit of savings, you have compounded an effort to reach a goal.

A way this same compounding can effect you negatively would be using debt and allowing the balance to sit with interest. Basically you are paying one price for the item, and then paying for the same item over and over for months until you have paid off the full balance. The interest compounds at the same rate, but in this example it is against you. When you analyze this type of transaction it is very easy to see that it isn’t worth it.

Compounding doesn’t only deal with money. This is just the easiest visual I can provide. Some other areas you can look at compounding would be, gratitude, journaling, housework, self care to name a few. When we put a small effort into anything it will compound for you over time.

Where are you struggling? Is there a small step you can take today towards a better outcome? Remember you don’t have to do it all at once. Take a look at what where you would like to be, then take a look at the actions you are doing right now. Are these actions going to get you there? What actions can you begin to take to get you to your goal faster. We all start somewhere, the only action you will regret is not starting at all.

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