• The Importance of Being Organized

    It is common to romanticize entrepreneurship in todays world. While creativity and innovation are vital to an entrepreneurs success, it is also important to recognize that structure and organization play a key role. In fact, being organized can make or break your entrepreneurial journey. In this blog post, we will discuss the significance of organization for entrepreneurs and provide valuable insights on how to cultivate this skill. Time Management One of the most crucial aspects of being an organized entrepreneur is mastering time management. It is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to be a jack of all trades, wearing multiple hats and juggling various responsibilities. Without proper time management, it’s easy…

  • How to be Your Authentic Self

    In todays fast paced world, it is so easy to get lost in societal norms. From a young age, you’ve tried to please others. First your parents, then your teachers, friends. It happens slowly but before you know it you’ve been setting aside small pieces of yourself to conform blend in. But why are you wanting to blend in? The characteristic that truly matters is authenticity. It seems like a no brainer, but when you truly reflect on where you are right now, are you being authentic? Do you unapologetically embrace you individuality. No longer conforming to what others want you to be. Authenticity is not just something you should…

  • The Art of Letting Go

    As a human we all have baggage. It is part of the human condition, it doesn’t matter if you are in the entrepreneur world or not. If you are running a business it will come up more prevalent and won’t be able to be ignored. When we encounter an uncomfortable feeling, it is likely telling you something. Human nature is to shove it down and ignore that anything is happening. But in actuality doing this it creates an environment of keeping you stuck. A few years ago, I could tell there had to be more to life then sadness and despair. But I really didn’t know how to deal with…

  • Finding Your Business Bestie

    Life as an entrepreneur can be so lonely. You start out the journey super excited, but those closest to you don’t seem to care. And trying to figure out this social media thing only has gotten more and more complicated. We aren’t living in 2015 when you could post something and watch it get tons of traction and engagement in minutes. And the worst part is it feels like nobody understands, well nobody that is not in business that is. Trust me, all solopreneurs like you have felt lonely and some point too. Like they are doing all of the things, and nobody is listening. Trying to navigate what you…

  • Building an Email List

    I am sure you’ve heard it before the money is in the list. This is the place where you actually have control of your audience. In a time where algorithms control who can and cannot see our content, as a business owner you want to ensure that your audience is actually seeing what you create. We are no longer living in 2016, where you can post and everyone will see it. To ensure that you are not posting into the abyss of the internet never to be seen or heard from again it is extremely important to build a list. How to get started Create an offer, most people will…

  • 6 Reasons You Need An Email List

    If you are a business owner you may be thinking I need to create an email list. It is one of those smart to do, oh so daunting tasks when it comes to business. Here are the 6 reasons you need to create an email list today. 1. Direct Contact It’s currently 2022 and everyone is encountering a lot of changes to the algorithm. Which is causing struggles connected to Social Media and marketing. Simply by posting is no longer getting the traction it once did. If you are a business owner and only using social media to advertise you need to know in this space your audience doesn’t belong…

  • The Importance of Having an Irresistible Freebie

    As a business owner you already know how important it is to build an audience. Having a way to contact those that have interest in what you saying is crucial. Many businesses have turned to social media for this. You may have been getting results from social media your audience doesn’t fully belong to you. They could be taken from you at any time, by means of an account take over or simply by the social media platform dying out. Be prepared, by building an email list to have a direct line of contact to your customers. Without this the struggle to be seen and heard will feel difficult. The…

  • Business Practices You’ve been Avoiding

    Starting a business comes with so many preconceived notions. An entire list of do’s and don’ts that so many business owners hold onto. In the beginning stages of business many believe you don’t share business idea’s because others may steal it. It is a legitimate fear, but in all actuality doesn’t actually matter. No two people can do the exact same thing. There is more then enough business in the world to go around. If there wasn’t we wouldn’t have shopping centers every other block in most metropolitan cities. Essentially the existence of Walmart doesn’t discourage Target from showing up. Remember your idea is brilliant and you need to show…

  • The Importance of a Freebie

    We’ve all heard, you need a freebie that converts. Sounds simple enough right? When I first started my entrepreneur journey I would always get stuck on this task. I found the endless possibilities overwhelming, sending me into a procrastination spiral. The freebie is two fold, it provides credibility and value to a potential audience. While providing you a platform/opted in audience to your business. What exactly does having a freebie mean? This means that you are giving others a prized piece of your expertise in exchange for there email address. You want it to be captivating, simple and highly engaging to convert. This is so important because you are in…

  • Compounding Your Efforts

    We’ve have all heard of compounding, but many have never honed in on the concept. When you compound an effort you build in a particular category. Anything can compound positively or negatively. A perfect example of compounding positively would be saving regularly. This is the first step to achieving a large savings. When you take the constant effort of saving a little bit consistently before you know it your savings is large. We all know this, but how many of us are really taking the appropriate actions here? Small efforts towards your goal of saving breaks it up into bite size pieces. I have used the concept of adding .25…