
All About Perspective

We all have two ears and one mouth for a reason. It is so we can do twice the amount of listening over talking.

Often when we hear others talking we are already thinking of a response before they finish. This, shows how closed off we can be to what others are saying. We aren’t responding to the conversation we are just responding to be correct. This path doesn’t lead to growth, it actually leads to ignorance.

What is true growth?

How do we achieve growth?

Is this an elevation of thought, or are we all just ignorant?

Have you ever heard the term ignorance is bliss? I learned this term when I was a teenager, over a game of Skip-Bo. I couldn’t fully comprehend its meaning, but the moment still is very clear in my memory. I can now see that when we are behaving ignorant we are simply not even open to learning or expanding our thinking, this is a dangerous pattern that most of us participate in. 

This lack of awareness can bring out a lack of focus.

I’ve struggled with focus my whole life but I never stopped to consider others may also be struggling. Have you ever pondered to see what may look like inattentiveness is actually creativity. Contemplating this changed my entire outlook on life and is actually beautiful. If we no longer allow our minds to wander it can eventually lead to no longer dream. Who are we as humans to think only one way of doing something can be correct?

We are over saturated with sub-programing all around us, in ads and commercials. Common, you cannot even watch YouTube without seeing an ad. These subconscious images tell each and everyone one of us what we as women can and cannot achieve. I know you are probably thinking this is not the early 1900’s so much as changed. Correct, so much has changed for women, they can now attend colleges and climb the corporate ladder. The unspoken reality is the resistance to this growth for women is still very present today.

Women have the capability to achieve much more than what they are often led to believe. It will take a true shift of in mindset. This shift needs to happen among all of society. Shifts in mindset never come all at once, it takes many steps. Women ultimately are the glue in society, so much expected of them. Even with these expectations many women carry a guilty and feel inadequate.

Are you stuck in the pattern of thinking the same thing on repeat?

Remember to take the time to think consider your thoughts are individual. No two humans are alike with the same perspective. I find that when I reflect on this, it helps me to be a whole lot more understanding of others experiences and seeing if I can relate to their thoughts. Take a moment to walk in there shoes and then return the the conversation. If we all did this I believe the world would be a much better place.

Until next time…