
Building an Email List

I am sure you’ve heard it before the money is in the list. This is the place where you actually have control of your audience. In a time where algorithms control who can and cannot see our content, as a business owner you want to ensure that your audience is actually seeing what you create.

We are no longer living in 2016, where you can post and everyone will see it. To ensure that you are not posting into the abyss of the internet never to be seen or heard from again it is extremely important to build a list.

How to get started

Create an offer, most people will gladly give you their email in exchange for. This should be valuable, easy to implement and completely digestible.

I find most people get in there own way with this.

Seriously, simplicity is key. If it takes too many steps to get results others WILL NOT do it!

So break you freebie down, look at it from the consumers prospective simplify it some more. Done will be far better then perfect here, and remember you can always adjust it as you see fit.

How to build your list

Now that you have created an email opt-in it is time to start promoting it. The possibilities are endless. You’ll want to create a landing page that will catch the eye of your reader. This landing page can be linked to all of your social media accounts. You can also embed it into blog posts like this one.

A link to your freebie can be shared in your email signature, or in Facebook groups. It is also a great resource to bring up when you are having a conversation with prospect customers that your communicating with.

Building a list takes time, but it is well worth the effort.

What’s holding you back

For some email marketing seems desperate, and icky since most people do not like dealing with a cluttered inbox. This is were it is important to realize, you have something so valuable to offer your audience. You are actually doing them a disservice when you are not providing them a direct line of contact to you.

By providing them value directly to them you are building the know, like, and trust factors. You are building yourself as an expert in your field. We all want to learn from those who have done it before us.

Also your email list is an authentic community of those that have opted into your world.

Never stop

Remember this journey is a marathon not a race, those that are already successful have just been consistent for longer then you. You are unique and have so much knowledge to share with the world. Never doubt your gifts when it comes to your expertise.

Explore everything you love and are passionate about, and get into action.

Don’t allow perfectionism stop you from taking action. Time will stops for nobody so take action today, and reap the benefits of that action.

Wishing you the best on this journey.