
The Importance of Having an Irresistible Freebie

As a business owner you already know how important it is to build an audience. Having a way to contact those that have interest in what you saying is crucial. Many businesses have turned to social media for this. You may have been getting results from social media your audience doesn’t fully belong to you. They could be taken from you at any time, by means of an account take over or simply by the social media platform dying out.

Be prepared, by building an email list to have a direct line of contact to your customers. Without this the struggle to be seen and heard will feel difficult.

The way you build your email list is with a freebie. This is anything you can provide to your audience for free. When you create a freebie both you and your audience win. You have something they want to learn and they have an email address to provide in return. This is not a way to con people into following you, but a way to provide true value to potential customers.

What type of Freebie should I give?

This is the hardest part of creating a freebie. Deciding exactly what it is you want to give. If you follow these simple steps it can help bring clarity in designing your freebie.

Steps to take:

  1. Who is your target audience?
  2. What problems does your targe audience have?
  3. What is the vision of your product/service? Begin with the END in mind…
  4. Ask yourself; what would someone who wants my END product/service also want for free?

Once you’ve worked through these four step’s you should arrive at your ideal freebie and be on your way to building an email list.

Ideas for your Freebie

  • Printable
  • Checklist
  • Workbooks
  • Ebooks
  • Free Consults
  • Coupons
  • Graphics
  • Styled Stock Photos
  • Email Courses
  • Self-Paced Online Course
  • Resource Library
  • Webinars
  • Private FB Group
  • Challenge
  • Audio Transcript
  • Video
  • Workshop
  • Strategy Call
  • Couching
  • Tutorials
  • Case Studies
  • Worksheets
  • Calendar
  • Process Roadmap
  • Scripts
  • Behind-The-Scenes
  • Sneak-Peak
  • Sample Chapter
  • Guide
  • Packet
  • Step-By-Step Guide
  • Free Full Course
  • Mini-Course
  • Overview
  • Planner
  • Challenge
  • Template
  • Training
  • Cheat Sheet
  • System Overview
  • Slides
  • Outline

While you Create a Freebie

You want to ensure that your freebie is your best work. This will provide instant value to your followers, and build a loyalty factor. When you provide value for free, people are ready to purchase because they will want to know what else you have to say.

Your freebie doesn’t have to be created from scratch, take a look at the content you already have and build your freebie. You have created the content but that doesn’t mean every single person has seen what you have. And many of them may not have known the practical steps to apply the content. You deliver this freebie to them make sure it is highly valuable and easy in action to show you are the type of person that get them results.

I hope you have found this to be helpful, please feel free to reach out to me for one of my freebie audits. I will take a few moments to audit your freebie and provide valuable feedback in the tweaks you can make to improve and entice your audience. Feel free to contact me here.