
Business Practices You’ve been Avoiding

Starting a business comes with so many preconceived notions. An entire list of do’s and don’ts that so many business owners hold onto.

In the beginning stages of business many believe you don’t share business idea’s because others may steal it. It is a legitimate fear, but in all actuality doesn’t actually matter. No two people can do the exact same thing. There is more then enough business in the world to go around. If there wasn’t we wouldn’t have shopping centers every other block in most metropolitan cities. Essentially the existence of Walmart doesn’t discourage Target from showing up. Remember your idea is brilliant and you need to show up so your customers can find you.

I remember learning as as hairstylist that 75% of building your clientele is relationships and 25% in skill. This blew my mind and I saw this to ring true in so many scenarios. I’m even a more loyal customer to business that provide excellent customer service over the actual product being good. Starbucks for example: Doesn’t have the best coffee in town, but the customer service is the best. Because I know that every time I go I will have a good experience I often visit Starbucks.

Building a business takes a lot, don’t worry about what others will think. Your people will find you and stay loyal to you.

Key Steps to Follow

Every thing starts with an idea, you do not need to know all of the details from the beginning. We see others being successful at step 100 forgetting that they had a whole journey to get there. Write down your idea, and then take a look at what you can do today. Don’t be afraid to share ideas with others. If they try to copy you (they can’t) and this gives you validation that it is a good idea. Remember nobody else is quite like you and they will never be able to execute your idea like you can. So you have nothing to worry about.

Once you’ve validated your idea and started taking baby steps be observant. Take note of what is working, and what isn’t working. Your business will be full of trial and error. Remember failures are just lessons of what needs to be worked on and then do better. The lessons learned from success is far less then those learned from failure.

The relationships you build in business are important, this will be your life blood throughout the process. Supporters will begin to tell friends.

Quality or Quantity

This really comes down to perspective and scenario. Hear me out, I am not saying to have a less then amazing quality but in some situations the quantity will be more important. When advertising you do want to have quality posts/ads but not every single one is going to speak to every person. Nor would you want it too, humans are all different and have different interests. This is why I quantity will be your best friend here, the more people you reach the more opportunity you will have to serve them.


All business’ are essentially a service to customers. How can you best serve your customer? Will the service you provide be unique and catered to the individual? Or will it be generic and the same for everyone. When you use your talents to serve others you’ll naturally attract others to you and your business will explode.

In Conclusion

Your business is your gift, if you are currently struggling remember the answers are all within you. Your unique ideas can never be replicated so keep showing up. Your people will find you and be so grateful that they did. Best of luck until next time.