
Everything is Fixable

Several times in life I have found myself feeling like an utter failure. Playing the scenario over and over in my head and trying to find the exact move where went wrong. Ultimately a complete waste of time and energy. Even if I could find the exact moment. There is nothing that can be done to go back and change it.

I heard this phrase that everything is fixable. At first it almost went over my head. The second time I heard it, I was able to let it sink in. I was blown away and it was completely out of my comfort zone. Every single time that I started feeling I had messed up I began to say it out loud. Everything is fixable. This became my motto, and shifted my perfectionist thinking too that of a recovering perfectionist.

Some actions, we may take have consequences that last. When this happens it is a little more difficult to deal with because we can feel the effects longer. This experience made my perfectionism feel inflamed and always in the forefront of my mind. Either, I would obsess over every detail or freeze into a state of inaction.

Life isn’t meant to be perfect.

Easier said then done right?

We may not like the steps needed to fix a particular situation. But that doesn’t make it unfixable. You are able to fix anything. Floored, my whole life I have been obsessing over getting it “right” the first time around. Come to find out, if I got it wrong it wasn’t a lost cause. I could look for a solution to fix it.

Have you ever felt like there was no fixing a problem. It may be hard to find the solution inside the problem. Remember sometimes all that is needed is time and space from the problem so we can see it more clearly. There is always a solution, we can google absolutely anything with so many resources at your fingertips.

The first real lesson I applied this too was my visit to the dentist after several years. I didn’t intentionally miss dental appointments. It just kind of happened, before I knew it I had an aching mouth that I could no longer avoid. Terrified I finally went to the dentist. Although they were super sweet and understanding, I received a heart to heart talk about the “long journey” ahead. I felt so angry at myself, for letting this get so bad.

I stuck to the plan outlined and lived the experience of actually fixing what felt unfixable. It was the consistent dedication to fixing the problem. It isn’t all about finding a radical solution and throwing everything at it. But taking practical steps to achieve your desired goal that will yield you what you want.

I had previously thought when encountering a problem it was the “end of my world”. I have experience consistently that isn’t the case. It has become so much easier to quickly look at a problem when it arises and ask myself. What can I do now to fix this?

I challenge you to look around and see what in your life seems unfixable. Brainstorm a few ideas what you can do to improve it and then take the steps towards fixing the problem. Remember you have the tools you need to find a solution. Make a simple plan and stick to it consistently you will be surprised how much easier it is then you every imagined.